CBD Cream for Radiation Burns
With a cancer diagnosis comes treatment. With treatment come side effects . With side effects come more medication and potentially more side effects. But, what if you could buy CBD radiation relief cream that could alleviate some of the cancer treatment side effects without causing burning and blistering . Turns out, cannabis might just be the thing. Let’s take radiation, for example. Anyone who has undergone radiation treatment knows that at about three weeks into it, the burning starts. Sometimes the burns become so serious that treatment must halt so the patient can regain his or her health. Then it starts again. Beyond burning, a patient also deals with blistering, increased appearance of aging, dermatitis, and sensitivity to sunlight. Why buy CBD cream for radiation burns? In general, doctors recommend aloe vera or other creams to help soothe the burning from radiation. But, as most cancer survivors know, they don’t do the trick. At Lost Remedy,...